![Turley's Florist - Nanaimo flowers](https://turleysflorist.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Turleys_logo_shadow_2019.png)
Spring Flowers
We use flowers as a way to express a particular sentiment of emotion and Easter certainly represents that.
Tulips, Daffodils, Iris, Anemones and Hyacinths are the harbingers of Spring and associated with the Easter Season. Especially after our long winter, they are most welcome messengers of longer days and sunshine ahead.
As they all are cool weather flowers, their vase life is shorter and their seasonable availability is limited. In our area, they are in abundance now, but only until early May.
Tulips are one of the most popular flowers. We often have requests for them in summer and fall, so if you love tulips – now is the season to enjoy them.
The Tulip is the flower of the 11th wedding anniversary representing grace and elegance.
The Daffodil is also commonly referred to as the narcissus. As one of the early spring flowers, the daffodil withstands the strong winds and storms of the season. It is the symbolic flower for the Cancer Society, representing hope, bravery and new beginnings.
The most traditional Easter Plant – the Easter Lily has long served as a beautiful reminder of the biblical significance of Easter – a symbol of purity, joy, hope and life. It has declined in popularity, partially due to our sensitivity to scent.
For those who do not care for Easter Lilies – we suggest the beautiful and longer lasting Azalea and Hydrangea plants. They make the perfect gift. Once they have finished their long blooming period, they should be planted outside to be enjoyed for many years.